Monday, August 2, 2010

RHB Equity 360° - 2 August 2010 (Banks, Tanjong, Unisem; Technical: IJM Land, Mah Sing)

Top Story : Banks – Jun ‘10 system data – YoY loan growth at a high - Overweight
Sector Update

- Jun ’10 loan growth stood at +12.5% yoy (May ’10: +11.7% yoy) the strongest monthly growth rate achieved thus far this year. Growth was largely broad-based with the household and business segments up +12.9% yoy (May ’10: +12.5% yoy) and +7.2% yoy (May ‘10: +6.1% yoy) respectively.

RHB Equity 360° - 2 August 2010 (Banks, Tanjong, Unisem; Technical: IJM Land, Mah Sing)

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